January 3, 2012

New Years Resolutions

I don't know why I waited until the new year to get myself back in gear but for some reason I did...which means I have a huge list of resolutions.  I think I might actually be able to stick with them though because for the most part they're aren't anything new, they're just getting back into old habit/routines that I dropped for whatever reason.

I'm sharing my resolutions with you guys so you can help hold me accountable...if you see me breaking any resolutions you can totally call me out!

1. Make more time for friends.  Right now with me bouncing around between two houses, working, and trying to squeeze in quality time with my parents I feel like I don't get to see my friends nearly as much as I'd like to.  Be prepared for me to start making friend dates with all of you!

2. Get back in a workout routine. Pilates on Mondays and Wednesdays, Cardio Tuesdays and Thursday, fun workouts like tennis a least one weekend day.

3. Eat and drink healthy.
  • Take vitamins and calcium supplements on a daily basis (I got gummy ones for both I love!)
  • Eat healthy - I love the Pioneer Woman and all the yummy recipes I find on Pinterest, but they are pretty much all loaded with cream, butter, cheese, sour cream or all of the above...I'm going to try to eat simpler which will hopefully mean healthier as well.
  • Don't eat seconds...no matter how good it is!  I always feel to full whenever I do this and always regret it!
  • Eat kids meals at fast food restaurants...sometimes I just have to eat fast food so since I can't completely quit eating it I want to make better choices when I do eat it.  I don't need all the food that comes with value meals, kids meals are usually the perfect amount!
  • Drink half my weight in ounces each day...I read that that was the amount you should drink a long time ago, but it was from a credible source.
5. Start doing a devotional of some sort every day...I'm going to use the book Jesus Calling for this one, I got it a few years ago and have randomly used it, but not on a consistent basis.

5.  Spend smartly and save.  I cleaned out my closet over Christmas break and got rid of at least 60 articles of clothing...that is redic.  I've decided that I'd rather save my mullah for a fun vacation that fill my closet back up with a bunch of clothes from Anthropologie.  I'm sure I'll always still have a wishlist, I just won't buy everything on it unless I'm lucky enough to also win the lottery this year!

6. Make more time for reading.  It seems like I always have something going on, but I really want to make more time to read this year...let me know if you have suggestions for must read books!

That's it for now, but I'm sure I'll constantly be adding things to the list!

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