I post so infrequently these days that I can never really remember what I've mentioned before...so forgive me if I've already talked about this!
In one of Alex and I's recent conversations about Home Decor (yes we talk about that together...rarely) he mentioned that he likes a really Southern style like the home he grew up in. At first I was a bit confused about what he meant by that, but I'm pretty sure what he meant was that he liked a country style.
I'm not completely opposed to country style if that means rustic and folky, but not kitchy. The pic above from Pinterest was described as "modern farmhouse" and I think most of it would work with both our styles. Love the plank walls, built ins, layout, rug etc. Not that furry throw pillow though.
This is really more modern that country but I love that the island as cabinets on the side of the stool area...you can never have too much kitchen storage, especially when you own as many platters as I do! I also like the ceiling beams, but come on, who wouldn't?
Not really country either, but kind of vintage. I like old houses, but they often have such small bathrooms. The lightness of this bathroom makes it feel a lot bigger. I also like that they went with a shower with clear glass door instead of a tub and shower curtain to maximize light and space!