March 2, 2012

Fab Find Friday

I know that my Fab Find Friday posts have typically featured products I'm dying to share with you, but if we're really being honest you know my Fab Find Friday post have not exactly happened regularly so I don't feel the need to stick to a pattern. 

This is not a new product, but it is life changing.  Seriously.

The last time the gang and I went away for a weekend getaway we cooked two packs of bacon for eight people.  This meant someone was standing over the stove for an hour or so...maybe even longer flipping bacon and making sure it stayed flat.  Never again friends, never again.

A few months ago I came across oven baked bacon on Pinterest.  After making it a few times I can say its pretty much fool proof.  Alex says he likes it even better than stove top bacon but I think that's just because its way less work and never gets burnt.  Nina C. was the first person I know to try it out and from her first attempt I feel the need to warn you...LINE YOUR PAN BEFORE YOU BAKE.  Just do it, trust makes clean up 1,000 times easier.

Other than that, all you have to do is lay your bacon out on a cooking sheet and bake at 350 for 20 - 25 minutes.  I've read you can also do it at 400 for 15 minutes but that the fat doesn't cook off as much when you do it that way.

You get crispy bacon with practically no effort. Every time.

I'm thinking about trying something like this next time...bacon on a cooling rack over the baking sheet so that the bacon doesn't just sit in the grease while its cooking...I'll let you know how it goes!

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