September 16, 2010


A week after issuing a public apology to estranged wife Heidi Montag, Spencer Pratt's "intense soul-searching" seems to have paid off.

On Wednesday, The Hills stars made it clear that Speidi isn't over just yet – with a makeout session, complete with champagne, in Santa Barbara, Calif.

The couple, back from a trip to Costa Rica, reportedly celebrated Montag's 24th birthday with a date at the zoo and dinner on the Santa Barbara Pier.

Whether they are back together or not, it seems Montag has learned one lesson she can use if the two decide to give their marriage another shot.

"First few days back in America! I don't think I will ever leave again, at least I am never letting @SpencerPratt pack again!!!!" she Tweeted Tuesday. "Praise Jesus!"

1. Spencer is totally runing beards for me! Shave and get a hair cut!!!

2. Praise Jesus? Don't get me wrong, I love Jesus, but there is just something wrong about 'tweeting' that to me, expecially when your name is Heidi Montag.

1 comment:

  1. I hate them. I vote them off the celebrity gossip island. It's all for show, no one really believed they were getting a divorce!
